Digital Advertising
Paid Media

Budget Maximisation

With our team’s thorough research, expert analysis, and years of paid media experience, we craft customized strategies to boost your business and drive revenue. Utilizing advanced bidding strategies, we optimise product visibility. Committed to ongoing innovation and industry expertise, we ensure your online triumph.


Tailored campaigns for targeted impact and maximum ROI.

Paid Social

Boost brand reach with targeted ads on social platforms.​


Data-driven insights for informed decisions and strategic growth.


Accurately track and attribute success to optimise strategies.

Consult with Our Experts

Explore Paid Media Opportunities with a Free Consultation


As a Paid Social Performance Agency, we work with a range of top eCommerce and retail brands, with our experts managing monthly spending from £10K to £100K. Our services are further supported by our Paid Social Creative Agency, with a team dedicated to building conversion-driving creative, tailored to each platform, designed to stop the scroll.

Search Ads

Elevate your online presence by strategically promoting webpages aligned with targeted keywords, ensuring maximum visibility to your desired audience.

Display Ads

Cultivate brand awareness and expand into new markets through captivating content formats, igniting interest and engagement across digital landscapes.

Video Ads

Engage and captivate audiences through dynamic video content, effectively promoting your brand and driving user engagement to new heights.

Shopping Ads

Showcase your physical products from the Google Merchant Centre with captivating visuals, enticing potential customers to explore and purchase.

Performance Max Ads

Harness the power of automated ads, optimised for diverse audiences across all Google advertising platforms, ensuring your message resonates across channels.

App Ads

Seamlessly promote existing or upcoming mobile applications, reaching relevant audiences and driving app installs with precision targeting.

Local Services Ads

Effectively advertise geographically specific products or services, connecting with localised leads and establishing a solid presence in your target markets.

Demand Gen Ads

Target and captivate purchase-ready users with visually compelling automated ads designed to ignite interest and drive conversions.

Programmatic Ads

Leverage the Google Marketing Platform’s premium Display & Video 360 suite for real-time bidding, expanding your reach and connecting with targeted consumers through a vast network of ad inventory.

Paid Social

As a Paid Social Performance Agency, we work with a range of top eCommerce and retail brands, with our experts managing monthly spending from £10K to £100K. Our services are further supported by our Paid Social Creative Agency, with a team dedicated to building conversion-driving creatives tailored to each platform and designed to stop the scroll.

Facebook Ads

Harness the power of Meta’s Facebook platform to reach over 2 billion monthly active users with highly targeted advertising solutions. From awareness to action, Facebook ads seamlessly guide users through every stage of their journey.

Instagram Ads

Elevate your brand with Meta’s Instagram platform, offering visually stunning and engaging advertising opportunities. Combine Facebook’s extensive ad system with Instagram’s native placements to drive ROI and captivate your audience.

LinkedIn Ads

Unlock the potential of LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, to connect with key decision-makers in a context that blurs work and leisure. Tailored for B2B objectives, LinkedIn offers diverse ad formats to reach your target audience effectively.

Twitter Ads

Cut through the noise of a fast-moving feed with Twitter advertising, engaging over 400 million monthly active users. Generate both engagement and action by effectively communicating your brand’s message in real-time.

TikTok Ads

Embrace the exponential growth of TikTok, reaching over a billion active users beyond Gen Z demographics. Tap into this dynamic platform with expert guidance to elevate your brand through top creative tactics.

Pinterest Ads

Position your brand at the forefront of users’ research and discovery journeys with Pinterest advertising. Seamlessly integrate your brand into the early stages of the consumer journey, maximising exposure and engagement.


As a Paid Social Performance Agency, we work with a range of top eComkmerce and retail brands, with our experts managing monthly spends from £10K to £100K. Our services are further supported by our Paid Social Creative Agency, with a team dedicated to building conversion-driving creative, tailored to each platform, designed to stop the scroll.

Google Analytics

As a premier analytics platform, Google Analytics stands as a global leader. Partnering with Impression ensures comprehensive support, from fundamental setup to intricate integrations, enabling you to unleash the complete potential of your digital data.

Looker Studio

We craft tailored Looker Studio (Google Data Studio) reports, seamlessly blending out-of-the-box features with bespoke integrations. Our aim? To furnish you with comprehensive insights, all neatly presented in an easily accessible dashboard.

Google Tag Manager

GTM empowers marketers to customise their analytics solutions effortlessly, eliminating the need for coding expertise. Seize total control of your analytics infrastructure with ease.


Understanding attribution is pivotal for uncovering valuable insights into your marketing efforts. It enables you to pinpoint which channels drive the highest conversions, guiding strategic decisions on redistributing or augmenting ad spend for optimal impact. Additionally, attribution analysis provides actionable recommendations for refining future client campaigns, ensuring continuous improvement and effectiveness. By identifying gaps in the customer journey, you can refine touchpoints and enhance overall customer experience, ultimately driving greater success and ROI.

First Interaction

In this marketing attribution model, all conversion credit is attributed solely to the first marketing channel with which a customer engages.

Last Interaction

Last Interaction Attribution, a single-touch model, exclusively attributes 100% of the credit to the final interaction a customer has with your client’s business prior to conversion. It is also known as ‘last-click’ or ‘last-touch’ attribution.


In a linear attribution model, conversion credit is evenly distributed among all brand touchpoints, ensuring fair recognition of each interaction’s contribution to the overall outcome.


Discover What Our Clients Say.

Incredible ROI! HowTwoCut boosted our revenue through strategic advertising.

Karen Keller

Invest Alberta


Unmatched conversion rates! HowTwoCut delivers exceptional value.

Andy Chan

Acumen Media


Contact us.



+44 754 272 6200

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Paid Media?

Paid media encompasses various forms of online advertising, including PPC (paid search and display ads), video advertising, and paid social media campaigns. At Impression, we excel in adeptly managing media spending across the entire paid media spectrum, from reaching new audiences to re-engaging with interested users.

Why is Paid Media important?

Paid media enables you to procure online ad space, amplifying your business’s visibility and contributing to the achievement of key performance indicators aligned with your overarching digital marketing strategy. There are myriad motivations for investing in paid media, whether it’s to enhance brand awareness, boost website traffic, or increase sales/conversions. Ultimately, proficient paid media management should translate into heightened revenue generation for your business.

What is Paid Social?

Paid social encompasses paid online advertising tailored for social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. These platforms provide robust audience targeting capabilities, enabling precise segmentation to connect with individuals interested in learning more about your products and services.

What is PPC?

PPC (pay-per-click) stands as a dynamic form of online advertising, wherein websites incur charges based on each user clicks on their ads. Often termed ‘paid search’, it encompasses a diverse array of biddable media options, providing extensive opportunities for targeted outreach.